Let’s get out of town!
Let’s go shopping! Travel with us to the Peoria shops at Grand Prairie mall and enjoy a lunch at a local restaurant. This price includes transportation to the mall and staffing. Please bring your own money for purchases as well as approximately $10.00 - $15.00 for lunch. The participants will be required to follow the MCSRA COVID-19 protocol for the entire program time.
GOALS/OBJECTIVES: This program is designed to assist the participants to improve their socialization skills, increase their leisure education, and increase their interaction with peers.
Date: March 12, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Drop off and pick up will be at the Macomb Park District business office, 1406 N. Randolph Street, Macomb.
Deadline to Register and payment due: March 4, 2022
Fee: R: $30.00/NR: $35.00
Minimum Participants: 3Maximum Participants: 5